A year after the arrival of her second son, Jehangir Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan is all geared up to return to a film set. The actress has come on board for Sujoy Ghosh’s crime mystery. ETimes had brought you this news back in October and fresh reports suggest that this development is now finalised The film is the official Hindi adaptation of Keigo Higashino’s most acclaimed work, ‘The Devotion of Suspect X’. It will reportedly also feature Jaideep Ahlawat and Vijay Varma in key roles. It is all set to go on floors in March this year.
The latest report stated that the cast
will soon begin workshops. If things go as planned, they will be heading to a
hill station in West Bengal next month where the film will be shot in a start
to finish schedule.
Interestingly, when Sujoy had announced
the movie in 2015, he had cast Saif
Ali Khan in it. Even though the film did not
materialise, he didn’t let go of the story. And now, seven years later, he will
be starting the project with Saif’s wife Kareena.
novel revolves around a single mother who accidentally kills her ex-husband.
The actress is believed to have already started prepping for her character in
the film.
Kareena is awaiting the release of ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ co-starring Aamir Khan
in the lead role. It is slated to hit the theatres on April 14, 2022. Apart from
this, the actress also has her untitled project with Ekta Kapoor and Hansal
Mehta. She is also a part of Karan Johar’s magnum opus ‘Takht’.