Question bank for 3rd sem CS&E
MODULE 1: Introduction
Classification of Data structures:
1 | Define data structures. Classify the data structures. | 2017-18 | 08 |
Data Structure Operations:
1 | Explain the operations of data structures. | 2018-19 | 08 |
2 | What is an array? How array are declarations and implemented in C | 2016-17 | 07 |
3 | What are self-referential structures? Explain with Example. | 2017-18 | 06 |
4 | Differentiate between structures and unions. | 2017-18 | 04 |
5 | Define data structures. List and explain the different operations that can be carried on arrays. | 2019-20 | 10 |
Array of structure:
1 | Explain with Example; a) insertion and b) deletion in an array. | 2017-18 | 08 |
Structures And Function:
1 | Difference between structures and function with examples. | 2016-17 | 08 |
1 | Define Pointers. List the advantages of pointers over arrays | 2019-20 | 04 |
2 | What are pointer variables? How to Declare a pointer variable | 2014-15 | 05 |
Dynamically Allocated Arrays:
1 | List and explain any 4 functions supported in C for dynamic memory allocation with examples. | 2017-18 | 08 |
2 | Define dynamic memory allocation. List and write with Explanation the syntax of dynamic memory allocation functions | 2019-20 | 06 |
3 | Explain the dynamic memory allocation function in detail. | 2018-19 | 08 |
MODULE 2: Stacks
1 | Define stack. Write the procedure for two basic operations associated with stack. | Jan-19, July-19 | 5 |
2 | Define stack data structure and give the ADT for the stack. Write C functions for push() and pop() operations. | July-19 | 8 |
1 | |||
2 |
1 | Define stack. Implement push and pop operations for stack using arrays. | Dec-15, Jan-14 | 8 |
2 | Define stack. Give the C implementation of push and pop functions. Include check for empty and full conditions of stack. | Dec-11,Jan-15,July-17,19 | 8 |
3 | Define stack. List the operations on stack. | ||
4 | Write a C program demonstrating the various stack operations, including cases for overflow and underflow of STACKS. | June-18, July-18 | 8 |
Stack using Dynamic Arrays
1 | Write the algorithm to implement a stack using a dynamic array whose initial capacity is 1 and array doubling is usual to increase the stack’s capacity (that is dynamically reallocated twice the memory) whenever an element is added to a full stack. Implement the operations-push, pop and display. | June-17 | 8 |
Infix to Postfix Conversion
1 | Convert A*B+C$ postformatm | May-11 | 4 |
2 | Write postfix form of the rt A*B+C $ postfix form following expression using stack i) A$B*C-D+E/F/(G+H) ii) A-B/(C*D$E) | Dec-15 | 6 |
3 | Convert the following infix expression into postfix expression using stack: i) a*(b+c)*d ii)(a+b)*d+e/(f+a*d)+c | July-15 | 8 |
4 | Write postfix form of the following expression i) (a+b)*d+e/(f+a*d)+c ii) ((a/(b-c+d))*(e-a)*c) iii) a/b-c+d*e-a*c | Jan-14 July-17 | 6 4 |
5 | Write the algorithm to convert infix to postfix expression and apply the same to convert the following expression from infix to postfix: i) (a*b)+c/d ii) (((a/b)-c)+(d*e))-(a*c) | June-12 | 12 |
6 | Write the postfix form of the following expression: i) ((6+(3-2)*4) ↑ 5+7) ii) A$B$C=D | Jun-18 | 8 |
7 | Write the postfix from of the following expression: A+((B*C-D/E ↑F)*G)*H | Dec-18 | 5 |
8 | Convert the given infix expression to postfix and prefix expression: i) (c+b)*d+e/(f+g*h)+i ii) ((a/(b-c+d))*/(e-f)*g) | June-19 | 6 |
Evaluation of Postfix Expression
1 | Write a C function to evaluate a postfix expression and apply the same to evaluate AB+CDE-*/ A=5, B=6, C=4, D=3, E=7 | July-15 | 7 |
2 | Convert the infix expression a/b-c+d*e-a*c into postfix expression. Write a function to evaluate that postfix expression and trace that for given data a=6, b=3, c=1,d=2, e=4. | Jul-13, 17 | 6 |
3 | Convert the infix expression | Jul-17, Jun-19 | 8,6 |
4 | Write an algorithm to evaluate a postfix expression. Evaluate the following postfix expression abc+de/ where a=5, b=6, c=2, d=12, e=4. | Jun-18 | 6 |
5 | Write a C function to evaluate a postfix expression | Dec-11,Jun-18 | 8,2 |
6 | Illustrate with examples how to insert a node at the beginning, INSERT a node at intermediate position, DELETE a node with a given value. | June-18 | 9 |
7 | Write an algorithm for evaluation of postfix expression. Trace the same for the expression abfede*+ac*+ where a=b, b=3, d=2, e=4. | July-19 | 6 |
MODULE 2: Recursion
1 | Write down the algorithm for the Athckerm function. Evaluate A(1,2) using ACKERMANN function. | June-18 | 4 |
2 | Write the algorithm to implement a stack using a dynamic array whose initial capacity is 1 and array doubling is used to increase the stack’s capacity (that is dynamically reallocated twice the memory) whenever an element is added to a full stack .Implement the operations-push,, pop and display. | Jan-17 | 8 |
3 | Write algorithm of the tower of Hanoi. | Jan-17 | 4 |
4 | Define recursion. Write recursive program for (i) Factorial of a number (ii) Tower of Hanoi | Jan-18 | 8 |
5 | Define recursion. Write C recursive functions for the following: (i) Tower of Hanoi (ii) Factorial of a given number. | Jan-19, July-19 | 10 |
6 | Write a note on the Ackerman function. | Jan-19 | 5 |
1 | Define queues. Implement Q insert and Q delete function for queues using arrays | Jan-18 | 8 |
2 | Define queues. Write Q INSERT and Q DELETE procedures for queues using arrays | Jan-19 | 10 |
Circular Queue
1 | What are the advantages of circular queue over linear queue? Write insert and delete functions for circular implementation of queues. | Dec-14 | 8, 5 |
2 | List the disadvantages of linear queue and explain how it is solved in circular queue. Give the algorithm to implement a circular queue with suitable examples. | Jan-17 | 8 |
3 | Write C functions for insert cq() and delete cq() operations on a circular queue | Jul-19 | 5 |
Circular Queues using Dynamic Arrays
1 | |||
2 |
Priority Queue
1 | With a neat diagram explain ONE-WAY list representation of a priority queue | June-18 | 6 |
2 | Write a short note on priority queues | Jan-19 | 5 |
Double Ended Queue
1 | What is an input restricted double ended queue? Implement the same with the supporting functions. | July-17 | 8 |
Applications of Queues
1 | |||
2 |
A Mazing Problem
1 | Describe how you could model a maze where 0 represents open paths and 1 represents barriers. What moves are permitted in the matrix model?/ Provide an example MAZE together with its allowable moves and table of moves. | July-18 | 8 |
Multiple Stacks
1 | Explain in detail multiple stacks, with relevant functions in C. | July-19 | 8 |
MODULE 3: Linked List
1 | Mention types of operations in Linked List and Explain ? | Jan-19 | 10 |
2 | Write the following algorithm for singly Linked List
| Jan-19 | 10 |
Types of Linked List
1 | Mention types of Linked List and Explain | Jan-13 | 10 |
2 | Explain different types of Linked List with diagram | Jan-15 | 10 |
3 | What is a Linked List ? Explain the different types of Linked List with diagram | Jan-13 | 10 |
Singly Linked List
1 | Mention and Explain Singly linked list with an Example ? | July-17, 18, 19 Jan-17 | 8 |
2 | Give the node structure to create a singly Linked List of integers and write functions to perform the following : Create a list Assume the list contains 3 nodes with data 10,20,30.Insert a mode with data 40 at the end of the list Insert a node with data 50 between the nodes having data values 10 and 20 .Display the singly Linked List | Jan-17 | 8 |
3 | Write the functions for a singly linked list with integer data to search an element in the list ? | Jan-17 July-18 | 8 |
4 | Write a function for singly linked lists with integer data to search an element in the list that is unsorted and a list that is sorted | July-18 | 8 |
5 | Illustrate with examples how to insert a node at the beginning INSERT a node at intermediate position DELETE a node with a give value | July-18 | 9 |
6 | Define linked lists .Explain in detail the primitive operations performed on Supply Linked List(SLL).List the different types of linked lists | July-19 | 12 |
Doubly Linked List
1 | Explain Doubly Linked List operations with Example? | July-13, 14, 18, 19 Dec-11, 15 June-19 | 8 |
2 | Write C functions for the following operations on Doubly Linked List (DLL)
| June-19 | 8 |
3 | Write a note on doubly linked list.How it is different from singly linked list | Dec-15 | 5 |
4 | What is the advantage of doubly linked lists over singly linked lists ? Illustrate with an example | July-14 Jan-17 | 4 |
5 | Write a short note 0n-Doubly Linked List | July-13 | 3 |
6 | Describe the doubly linked list with advantages and disadvantages. Write a C function to delete a node from a doubly linked list. Ptr is a pointer to the node to be deleted. Assume that there are node on either side of the node to be deleted | Dec-11 | 8 |
7 | List out the difference between the doubly linked list and singly linked list .Illustrate with example the following operations on a doubly Linked List: Inserting a node at the beginning Inserting at the intermediate position Deletion of a node with a given value Search a key element | July-17, 18 June-18 | 10 8 |
Circular Linked List
1 | Write a C function to insert a node at front and rear end in a circular linked list | July-15 Jan-13 | 10 |
2 | Explain the following with an example program? Creation of circular linked list Display of circular linked list Insertion of circular linked list Deletion of any node Searching a node from circular linked list | July-15 Jan-13 | 10 |
Header Linked List
1 | Write a note on the header linked list. Explain the widely used header list with diagram | July-18 Jan-19 | 5 |
Linked Implementation Of Stack
1 | Explain implementation of linked list in stack with example | Jun-12 July-19 | 8 |
2 | Write a C Program to implement the two primitive operations on stack using dynamic memory allocation | June-12 | 8 |
3 | Write a C program to implement linked stacks | July-19 | 8 |
Linked Implementation of Queue
1 | Explain the implementation of linked lists in a queue? | Dec-15 Jan-15 June-12 | 10 |
2 | Write a C function to implement the insert and delete operations on a queue using linked list | Dec-15 | 8 |
3 | Define linked list .Write a C program to implement the insert and delete operations on queue using linked list | Jan-15 June-12 | 10 |
Polynomial Manipulation
1 | Brief explanation on polynomial manipulation | Dec-15 July-13, 14, 19 June-12, 19 Jan-19 | 10 |
2 | Write the node structure show would you store the given polynomial a and b in linked list .Write a C function for for adding 2 polynomials using linked list | Dec-15 July-13 | 8 6 |
3 | Write the node structure for linked representation of polynomial.Explain the algorithm to add two polynomials represented using linked list | July-14 Jan-17,19 | 8 |
Sparse Matrix Representation with Multilinked Data Structure
1 | Explain Sparse Matrix representation with Multilinked Data Structure | July-13,19 June-19 Jan-17,18, 19 | 5 |
2 | For the given sparse matrix write the diagrammatic linked list representation
| June-19 | 5 |
3 | For the given spare matrix write the diagrammatic linked list representation
| Jan-17 | 6 |
4 | Define sparse matrix .Given sparse matrix representation of linked list for given matrix | Jan-18 June-19 | 8 4 |
5 | Write a note on-linked list of sparse matrix | July-13 | 3 |
Programming Examples
1 | Write the example program for the following Length of list Merging of two list | July-14,15,18,19 Jan-19 | 5 |
2 | Write a C function to concatenate two singly linked list | July-15 July-14 June-18 | 5 4 8 |
3 | Write the functions to perform the following Inverting a single linked list Concatenating the singly linked list Finding the length of a circular linked list | Dec-18 | 10 |
4 | Write a C function to reverse the given singly linked list | July-15 July-14 | 5 4 |
5 | Write C function to perform the following Reversing a singly linked list Concatenating singly linked list Finding the length of the list | July-17 Jan-19 | 6 |
6 | Write a C program using pointers to Concatenate two strings. Reverse a string. | July-19 | 6 |
MODULE 5: Graphs
1 | Define graphs. Explain in detail about directed graphs. | Jan - 19 | 10 |
2 | Define the terminologies with examples for graph data structure (i) Graph (ii) Multigraph (iii) Complete graph. | June - 19, july -19 | 6 |
Matrix and Adjacency List Representation of Graph
3 | What do you mean by adjacency matrix and adjacency list ? Give the adjacency matrix and adjacency list of the following graph : | July - 17 | 8 |
4 | Give the adjacency matrix and adjacency list representation for the graph shown in following figure | July - 13 | 5 |
5 | Define graphs. Give an adjacency matrix and adjacency list for the given weighted graph in the following graph. | Jan - 18 | 8 |
6 | Give the adjacency matrix and adjacency list representation for the weighted graph given in figure below. | June - 19 | 6 |
7 | What is a graph? Give the matrix and adjacency list representation of graphs. | Jan - 17 | 8 |
Elementary Graph Operations
Traversal Methods
8 | What are the methods used for traversing a graph? Explain any one with an example. | July - 17, Jan - 18 | 8 |
9 | Write an algorithm for BFS and DFS graph traversal methods. | Jan - 19, July - 19 | 10 8 |
MODULE 5: Sorting and Searching
Insertion Sort
1 | Write a C function for insertion sort. Sort the following list using insertion sort : 50, 30, 10, 70, 40, 20, 60. | July - 17 | 8 |
2 | Write an algorithm for an insertion sort. Also discuss the complexity of insertion sort. | Jan - 19 | 10 |
Radix Sort
3 | Write an algorithm for Radix sort. | Jan - 18 | 8 |
Address Calculation Sort
4 | Write an algorithm for bubble sort. Trace the algorithm for the data: 30, 20, 10, 40, 80, 60, 70. | Jan - 17 | 8 |
MODULE 5: Hashing
Hash Table Organization
5 | Explain Hashing in detail. | Jan - 18 | 8 |
Hash Functions
6 | Define Hash function. What do you mean by Perfect Hash Function? | July - 18 | 8 |
7 | Write a short note on Hashing. Explain any 3 popular HASH functions. | July - 18 | 8 |
Static and Dynamic Hashing
8 | Explain in detail about Static and Dynamic hashing. | Jan - 19 | 10 |
Concept of Collision
9 | Explain Hashing and Collision. What are methods used to resolve collisions? | July - 19 | 8 |
Collision Resolution Techniques
10 | Discuss in brief the linear probing collision resolution technique. What are the disadvantages of this technique? How could it be overcome? | Jan - 17 | 5 |
11 | Define Hash function. Explain Collision resolution strategies. | Jan - 17 | 5 |
12 | Explain open addressing and chaining used to handle overflows in hashing. | Jan - 17 | 5 |
13 | Explain directoryless dynamic hashing. | Jan - 17 | 5 |
14 | What is Collision? What are the methods to resolve collisions? Explain linear probing with an example. | July - 17 | 8 |
15 | Explain Hashing and Collision. What are methods used to resolve collisions? | July - 19 | 8 |
MODULE 5: File Structures
File Organization
1 | Write a short note on Indexed sequential file. | Jan - 17 | 6 |
2 | Briefly explain basic operations that can be performed on a file, Explain indexed sequential file organization. | Jan - 17 | 6 |
3 | What do you understand by the term File organization ? Briefly summarize any 3 widely used file organizations techniques. | July - 18 | 8 |
4 | What are the basic operations that can be performed on a file ? List the methods used for file organization. | July - 19 | 4 |
SN | Module 1 | REPs | COs |
1 | Define dynamic memory allocation. List and write the syntax with explanation of dynamic memory allocating functions. | 8 | CO1 |
2 | Write the Knuth Morris Pratt pattern matching algorithm and apply the same to search the pattern ‘abcdabcy’ in the text:’abcxabcdabxabcdabedabcy’ | 4 | CO2 |
3 | Define data structure . List and explain the different operations that can be carried on arrays. | 3 | CO1 |
4 | Write a C program to i) Comparing strings ii) Concatenate two strings . | 3 | CO2 |
5 | Explain the classification of data structures. What are the primitive operations performed on them? |
3 | CO1 |
6 | Define pointers . How to declare and initialize pointers , explain with example.List the advantages of pointers over arrays. | 2 | CO2 |
7 | What is structure? How it is different from arrays. Explain types of structure declaration with eg. | 2 | CO2 |
8 | Differentiate between structure and union. | 2 | CO2 |
9 | Give the ADT for sparse matrices. Express the given sparse matrix the triplet form and find its transpose | 2 | CO2 |
10 | Consider given two polynomials A(x)= 4x15 +3x4+5 and B(x)=x4+10x2+1 Represent the polynomials using an array of pointers. | 2 | CO2 |
11 | Define strings. List and explain any 5 operation with example | 1 | CO2 |
12 | Write a bubble sort algorithm. | 1 | CO2 |
13 | Explain with example i)insertion ii)deletion in an array. | 1 | CO2 |
14 | Is it possible to store the contents of an array into points? Justify your opinion and with suitable C statements. | 1 | CO2 |
15 | List and explain in detail, three types of structures used to store the strings . | 1 | CO2 |
16 | Explain about the representation of a 2-dimensional array in memory. | 1 | CO2 |
17 | Write a c program to concatenate Fname and Lname of a person without using a library function. | 1 | CO2 |
18 | What is an algorithm? Explain the criteria that an algorithm must satisfy. | 1 | CO2 |
19 | What do you mean by pattern matching? Let P and T be strings with the lengths R and S respectively and stored as an array with one character per element. Write a pattern matching algorithm that finds index P in T. Also discuss the algorithm. | 1 | CO2 |
20 | Write a c program with appropriate structure definition and variable declaration to read and display information about 5 employees using nested structure. | 1 | CO2 |
SN | Module 2 | REPs | COs |
1 | Define a stack.. Explain the different operations performed on stacks using c functions. Show them using diagrammatic representation. | 7 | CO3 |
2 | Convert the following infix expression into postfix expression using stacks i) ((H*((((A+((B+C)*D))*F)*G)*E))+J) ii) A$B*C-D+E|F|(G+H) iii) A-B|(C*D$E) iv) A+(B*C-D/E F)*G)*H v) (a+b)*d+e/(f+g*h)+i vi) ((a/(b-c+d))*(c-f)*g) vii) (a+b)*d+e/(f+a*d)+c viii) ((a/(b-c+d))*(e-a)*c) ix) A$B$C*D (any two) | 7 | CO3 |
3 | Define recursion. What are the properties of recursive procedure? Write the recursive function for the following i) Factorial of a number ii) Tower of Honoi. | 5 | CO2 |
4 | Write the algorithm to evaluate the postfix expression . apply the same for the given postfix expressions i) ABC-D*E$F and assume A=6,B=3,C=2,d=5,E=1 and F=7. ii) ab/c-de*tac*t where a=6,b=3,c=1,d=2,e=4. iii) Abc+*de/- where a=5,b=6,c=2,d=12,e=4. | CO3 | |
5 | Write a note on Ackerman’s function. | 3 | CO2 |
6 | Write a note on dequeue and priority queue. | 3 | CO3 |
7 | Write the advantages of circular queue over ordinary queue. Write the program to simulate the working of a circular queue of integers using an array. Provide following operations i) Insert ii) Delete iii) Display | 3 | CO3 |
8 | Write the QINSERT and QDELETE procedure for queue using arrays. | 3 | CO3 |
9 | Differentiate between recursion and iteration process | 2 | CO2 |
10 | Write the algorithm to convert a parenthesized infix to postfix. Apply the algorithm and show the contents of stacks during conversion of expression (A+B*C)*((D+E_F)/J). | 1 | CO3 |
11 | Explain in detail multiple stacks, with relevant functions in C. | 1 | CO3 |
12 | Define queue. List different types of queues. How do you overcome by specifying limitations on the required c statements and diagrammatic representation using an example. | 1 | CO3 |
13 | Write a c function for i) Adding n natural odd numbers ii) Adding n natural even numbers. | 1 | CO2 |
14 | Evalute the following postfix expression by showing the contents of stacks 5 4 6 + * 4 9 3 / + * | 1 | CO3 |
15 | Outline the algorithm for infix to prefix expression. Using the same algorithm convert the following infix to prefix ((H*((((A+((B+C)*D))*F)*G)*E))+J). | 1 | CO3 |
16 | What is an input restricted in a double ended queue? Implement the same with the supporting functions. | 1 | CO3 |
17 | Implementation of a circular queue using dynamically allocated arrays. | 1 | CO3 |
18 | Let A and B be nonnegative integers . suppose a function GCD is recursively defined as follows GCD(A, B)=GCD(B,A) if A<B =A if B=0 =GCD(B,MOD(A,B)) otherwise Here MOD(A,B) read as A Modulo B. Evaluate GCD(20,28). | 1 | CO2 |
SN | Module 3 | REPs | COs |
1 | Write a c function to add two polynomials. Write a node structure linked list representation of polynomials. Show the linked list representation for two polynomials. POLY 1 : 5x2+4x+2 POLY 2: 3x2+2x+5 | 7 | CO3 |
2 | Differentiate between singly linked list and doubly linked list. | 4 | CO3 |
3 | Write a note on the header linked list . explain the widely used header list with diagrams. Write the c function for i) Inverting a SLL ii) Concatenating two SLL iii) Finding the length of a circular list. | 4 | CO3 |
4 | Write a C function for the following operations on doubly linked list i) Insertion at the beginning . ii) Insertion at the end. iii) Deletion at the beginning . iv) Deletion at the end. | 3 | CO3 |
5 | Write a C statement for addition and deletion of a node on DLL. | 2 | CO3 |
6 | Write a C function for the following operations on circular linked list i) Insertion at the beginning . ii) Insertion at the end. iii) Deletion at the beginning . iv) Deletion at the end | 2 | CO3 |
7 | Write a C function for the following operations on linked list i) Insertion at the beginning . ii) Insertion at the end. iii) Deletion at the beginning . iv) Deletion at the end. | 2 | CO3 |
8 | What is a linked list? Explain the types of linked list with a neat diagram and also discuss the operations performed on linked list. | 2 | CO3 |
9 | Write a c function for i) Concatenation of 2 DLL ii) Search an element in DLL | 2 | CO3 |
10 | Give the node structure to create a linked list of integers and write a C function to perform the following i) Create a three node list with data 10 ,20 and 30. ii) Insert a node with data value 15 in between the nodes having data values 10 and 20. iii) Delete the node whose data is 20. iv) Display the resulting singly linked list. | 2 | CO5 |
11 | Write a note on the header linked list . Explain the widely used header linked list with examples. | 2 | CO3 |
12 | State the advantages of DLL over SLL. | 1 | CO3 |
13 | Describe the DLL with advantages and disadvantages. Write a c function to delete a node from circular DLL with header node. | 1 | CO3 |
14 | Write and explain how you implement the operations of stacks using SLL with the help of c statements. | 1 | CO3 |
15 | Write a c program to implement limited stacks | 1 | CO3 |
16 | Write a C statement, explain how you create a node , add and delete on a singly linked list with proper message where each node is containing the details of employee in the form of Empid, Empname, Empaddr and Empsalary as data fields. | 1 | CO5 |
17 | Write a C function of SLL with integer data to search an element in the list that is unsorted and a list that is sorted. | 1 | CO3 |
18 | Illustrate with examples how to insert a node at beginning , insert node at an intermediate position, delete node at a given value. | 1 | CO3 |
SN | Module 4 | REPs | COs |
1 | Define Binary tree with an example. Write a recursive routine to traverse the given tree using inorder,preorder and postorder. | 4 | CO3 |
2 | What is a tree? With suitable example, Define: (i)Binary tree (ii)Level of the binary tree (iii)Complete binary tree (iv)Degree of the tree (v)Strictly binary tree (vi)Skewed binary tree (vii)Almost complete binary tree | 4 | CO3 |
3 | Given the following traversal, draw a binary tree (i)Inorder: 4 2 5 1 6 7 3 8 Postorder: 4 5 2 6 7 8 3 1 (ii)Preorder: A B C E I F J D G H K L Inorder: E I C F J B G D K H L A (iii) Inorder: D J G B H E A F K I C Postorder: J G D H E B K I F C A (iv) Preorder: B C A E D G H F I Inorder: A B C D E F G H I . | 4 | CO5 |
4 | Write the routines for: (i) Copying binary trees (ii) Testing for equality of binary trees | 3 | CO2 |
5 | Define BST. Write the recursive search and iterative search algorithm for a binary search tree. | 3 | CO2 |
6 | What are the advantages of the threaded binary tree over a binary tree? Explain the construction of the threaded binary tree for 10,20,30,40 and 50. | 2 | CO5 |
7 | For the given data, draw a binary search tree and show the array and linked list representation of the same: 100,84,45,55,110,20,70,65 | 2 | CO5 |
8 | Define tree data structure.Represent the below given tree in figure using (i)Linked list representation (ii) Left child right sibling representation (iii)Degree-two or Binary tree representation.
| 2 | CO5 |
9 | Write recursive C function for inorder,preorder and postorder traversals of binary tree. Give 3 traversals for the binary tree shown in figure. Also find the depth of the tree.
| 2 | CO3 |
10 | Write a short note on threaded binary trees and state the rules to construct a threaded binary tree. | 2 | CO3 |
11 | Define Binary Search Tree for the following input : 14 15 4 9 7 18 3 5 16 20 17 9 Give recursive search function to search an element in the tree. | 1 | CO5 |
12 | Define a threaded binary tree. List its advantages and disadvantages. Draw the one way threading and two way threading of the following binary tree.
| 1 | CO5 |
13 | Write function to insert an element in a binary search tree. | 1 | CO2 |
14 | Define a binary tree. Explain how you construct and add a NODE to the binary tree using c Statements. Also explain how you represent a binary tree using arrays. | 1 | CO3 |
15 | Define binary tree traversal method. List and explain the different binary tree traversal methods along with C-functions. | 1 | CO3 |
16 | Define expression tree. Using a C function, explain how you construct an expression tree. Construct an expression tree for: a+b*c/f^g-h. | 1 | CO5 |
17 | Find the INORDER,PREORDER and POSTORDER for the following
| 1 | CO5 |
18 | .Write a diagrammatic explanation, explain how you create and construct a BST. Also write a C function for the same. | 1 | CO2 |
19 | Define expression tree. For a tree given, in below figure traverse the tree using in-order, preorder and postorder traversals.
| 1 | CO5 |
20 | Define Binary Search Tree(BST). Construct BST for the element step-by-step, 100,85,45,55,110,20,70,65,113,145,132,96. | 1 | CO5 |
21 | Write an algorithm for deleting a key element from BST. | 1 | CO2 |
22 | List the rules to construct the threads. Write the routines for inorder traversal of a threaded binary tree. | 1 | CO3 |
23 | Define a complete binary tree. Illustrate with examples. | 1 | CO3 |
24 | Write a function to insert an item into an ordered binary search tree (duplicate items are not allowed). | 1 | CO2 |
25 | Draw a binary tree for the following expression 3+4*(7-6)/4+3. Traverse the above generated tree using inorder, preorder and postorder. Also write a function in C for each one.( | 1 | CO5 |
SN | Module 5 | REPs | COs |
1 | Write an algorithm for breadth first search and depth first search. | 3 | CO2 |
2 | What is a collision? What are the methods to resolve collisions? Explain linear probing with an example. | 2 | CO3 |
3 | What are the methods used for traversing a graph? Explain any one with an example. And write the C function for the same. | 2 | CO3 |
4 | Write an algorithm for Insertion sort. Apply Insertion sort showing the various passes to sort the array A, where A = [77,33,44,11,88,22,66,55]. | 2 | CO3 |
5 | Explain in detail about Static and dynamic hashing. | 2 | CO3 |
6 | What are the basic operations that can be performed on a file? List the methods used for file organisation ( any two). Explain indexed sequential file organisation. | 2 | CO3 |
7 | Define file. List basic file operations. Explain any four operations with Syntax and example. | 2 | CO3 |
8 | What is a graph? Give the Matrix and adjacent a list representation of graphs. | 2 | CO3 |
9 | Write an algorithm for bubble sort. Trace the algorithm for the data: 30,20,10,40,80,60,70. | 2 | CO5 |
10 | Explain open addressing and chaining used to handle overflow in hashing. | 1 | CO3 |
11 | Explain directory less dynamic hashing | 1 | CO3 |
12 | Briefly explain basic operations that can be performed on a file. Explain indexed sequential file organisation. | 2 | CO3 |
13 | Define graphs. Write the difference between graphs and trees. For the given graph show the adjacency matrix and adjacency list representation of the graph.
| 1 | CO5 |
14 | Define graphs. Give adjacency matrix and adjacency linked list for the given weighted graph in the figure
| 1 | CO5 |
15 | Write an algorithm for radix sort. | 1 | CO2 |
16 | State and explain WARSHALL'S algorithm with an example. | 1 | CO2 |
17 | Write a short note on hashing. Explain any three popular Hash Function. | 2 | CO3 |
18 | What do you understand about the term file organisation? Briefly summarise any three widely used file organisation techniques. | 1 | CO3 |
19 | Write an algorithm for Insertion sort. Also discuss about the complexity of Insertion sort | 1 | CO2 |
20 | Arrange the following elements in ascending order using RADIX SORT 151,60,875,342,12,477,689,128,15 | 1 | CO5 |
21 | Define the terminologies with examples for graph data structure. i)Graph ii) Multigraph iv) Weighted graph v) Self loop vi) Parallel edge | 1 | CO3 |
22 | Give the adjacency Matrix and adjacency list representation for the weighted graph given Fig
| 1 | CO5 |
23 | Right address calculation sort algorithm. Sort Z, A, P, B, Q, I, J, K using the address calculation sort algorithm. | 1 | CO2 |
24 | Give the adjacency matrix, Incidence Matrix and linked list representation of the following undirected graph: | 1 | CO5 |
25 | Give the adjacency matrix and adjacency list representation for the weighted graph given in fig
| 1 | CO5 |
26 | Find the resultants of the types of graph traversal methods .
| 1 | CO5 |