If Screen is half, please rotate the Mobile then it is full program available
5. Design, Develop and Implement a Program in C for the following Stack
a. Evaluation of Suffix expression with single digit operands and operators:
+, -, *, /, %, ^
/* Preprocessor directives */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
/*--Global variables--*/
int stack[50];
int top = 0;
char postfix[20];
typedef enum {plus, minus, times, divide, mod, power, eos, operand} PRECEDENCE;
/*-- Function definition--*/
void getPostfix ( void )
printf ( "\nEnter the valid POSTFIX expression: ?\b" );
gets ( postfix );
void push ( int symbol )
/* add an item to the global stack */
stack[++ top] = symbol;
int pop ( void )
/* delete and return the top element from the stack */
return stack[top --];
PRECEDENCE getToken ( char *symbol, int *n )
*symbol = postfix[(*n)++];
switch ( *symbol )
case '(' : return lparen;
case ')' : return rparen;
case '+' : return plus;
case '-' : return minus;
case '/' : return divide;
case '*' : return times;
case '%' : return mod;
case '^' : return power;
case '\0': return eos;
case ' ' : return eos;
default : return operand; /* no error checking, default is operand */
int eval ( void )
char symbol;
int op1, op2;
int n = 0;
token = getToken ( &symbol, &n );
while ( token != eos )
if ( token == operand )
push ( symbol - '0' );
op2 = pop ( );
op1 = pop ( );
switch ( token )
case plus : push ( op1 + op2 ); break;
case minus : push ( op1 - op2 ); break;
case times : push ( op1 * op2 ); break;
case divide : push ( op1 / op2 ); break;
case mod : push ( op1 % op2 ); break;
case power : push ( (int)pow( (double)op1, (double)op2 ) );
token = getToken ( &symbol, &n );
return pop ( );
void printResult ( void )
printf ( "\n\nEvaluated POSTFIX expression: %d\n\n", eval ( ) );
int main ( void )
system ( "cls" );
getPostfix ( );
printResult ( );
fflush ( stdin );
getchar ( );
return 0;
Enter the valid POSTFIX expression: 6 2 / 3 - 4 2 * +
Evaluated POSTFIX expression: 8